Thursday, February 20, 2023
Second meeting of the year was held completely virtually due to winter weather. First order of business was appointment of Jacqueline Pendleton as membership chair, John Hedrick as liaison for other Little Rock committees and Conner Taffe as Social Media chair. President Sarah Thomas gave her report for the month.
Secretary Jonathan Sketas gave membership report, we have seven new family members and one new individual member and we brought in $215.00 in income from new members
Treasurer Lindsey Boerner gave her report. Expenses were for new checks for DNA and for the SoMa Mardi Gras float. There was a total of $2,186.21 in the accounts.
SoMa Mardi Gras float and the event was discussed. Member Crystal Boerner and was assigned to design and decorate the float, the theme was Batman! The full membership were given information about joining the parade.
Next order of business was assignment for Food Dessert and Density committees with the city. Rip Weaver, Jonathan Sketas, John Hedrick volunteered for the positions.
We discussed the memorial Celebrating Tony Curtis at Curran Hall (615 East Capital Ave) on Sunday, February 12th from 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Patricia Blick gave her Quapaw Quarter Association update. A Members reception was to be held Monday the 6th discussing the Tour of Homes to be set on Mother’s Day weekend for capital view and stiff station. Mike Hood will be speaking about Little Rock and the Maumelle railroad to be held March 9th. Patricia gave us an update on the management of Curran Hall
Vice President Kathy Wells gave her report. She discussed an invitation talk with the Police Chief on Februrary 11th at 10:00 a.m. She spoke of the receivership program to be place on the owners of Big Country Chateau allowing them to collect rent and make the necessary repairs for the tenants.
John Hedrick gave us his updates. MacArthur Park will be holding a 5k on May 5th and is looking for local sponsors. Fire house museum and hostel is holding a fundraising event on March 30th at downtown First Methodist Church. They are looking for additional space for storage and to hold fire education safety training programs in the future.
Mike Orndorff was meeting with business owners at Pettaway Square and is due to give us an update at our next meeting.